Thursday, January 12, 2012


I made this cake for my son's third birthday. I am very tired right now due to pregnancy, so it is super basic, but the kid loved it.

I made a new chocolate cake recipe that was really moist and delicious. The
filling was a marshmallow-oreo filling. I tried a new kind of frosting also. It
was soooo yummy!
This is a frozen buttercream transfer. When I was picking up the board to
put this in the freezer, my finger slipped, hence the messed up right foot of



  1. i think frozen buttercream transfer is my favorite "easy" cake technique! The kids love it and its not as much work. I think it looks great!

  2. Nice cakes Camille! I enjoy following your blog. :)
    Congratulations on another baby. That's pretty exciting!
